Counseling Consultation Service offers live lectures and online courses providing continued education and a unique opportunity that empowers social workers and related health care providers with knowledge, skills, sensitivity, and confidence in service delivery. The training courses below are independent of one another and may be taken in any order.  


Understanding Trauma and Alcohol Use among Undocumented Hispanic Immigrants and the Mapping Protocol®

Presenter: Dr. Carmen Jimenez, Ed.D., LCSW-R, MPA, CASAC, SAP, BCB

Description of Course:

Recently arrived Hispanic immigrants who come to the United States are exposed to risks both in their native country and in the U.S. Moreover, many immigrants experience trauma while crossing illegally into the U.S. and are challenged in articulating traumatic events, high rates of binge drinking, driving without a valid license, and alcohol impaired driving among those who consume alcohol. To support effective interventions against these concerning trends, the Mapping Protocol® can be used to collect an interactive timeline and identify targets related to immigration and resettlement given the growing need for cultural sensitivity in evaluating clients with a history of relocation and understanding the immigration experience.

Learning Objectives:

• Understand the impact of trauma on relocation among documented and undocumented immigrants and the role of alcohol within this community
• Learn strategies to strengthen client communication
• List examples of exploring the history of relocation and alcohol abuse
• Identify methods of using the Mapping Protocol®
• Methods of using the Mapping Protocol® will be outlined

*NYSED Approved for 1.5 CE contact hours for LMSW and LCSW*

*New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (NYS OASAS) Approved for 1.50 Clock Hours for CASAC, CPP, CPS*




Understanding Trauma among Documented and Undocumented Hispanic Immigrants and the Mapping Protocol®

Presenter: Dr. Carmen Jimenez, Ed.D., LCSW-R, MPA, CASAC, SAP, BCB

Description of Course:

The complexity of identifying traumatic memories associated with a journey from origination country to destination country may produce states of fear and challenges in articulating traumatic events. All this suggests the importance of targeting negative events with the use of the Mapping Protocol®, when words are simply not enough. As an adjunctive therapeutic technique, the Mapping Protocol® aids with the identification of these traumatic memories and facilitates the processing of a client’s immigration experience(s).

Learning Objectives:

• Understand the impact of relocation among documented and undocumented immigrants
• Understand the impact of trauma among documented and undocumented immigrants
• Learn strategies to strengthen client communication in a multicultural setting
• Identify methods of using the Mapping Protocol® effectively to reprocess trauma with populations who have a history of relocation

NYSED Approved for 1.5 CE contact hours for LMSW and LCSW

New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (NYS OASAS) Approved for 1.50 Clock Hours for CASAC, CPP, CPS

LOCATION: Counseling Consultation Service, Inc.
105-01 34th Avenue
Corona (Queens), NY 11368
ATTENDANCE FEE: General Admission: $45.00



Understanding Trauma among Undocumented Immigrants: The Use of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy and the Mapping Protocol®

Presenter: Dr. Carmen Jimenez, Ed.D., LCSW-R, MPA, CASAC, SAP, BCB

Description of Course:

In the United States, the Hispanic immigrant population has grown exponentially within the past decade. Moreover, many Hispanic undocumented immigrants are exposed to extreme emotional and physical risks which include the separation from immediate family members, dangerous working conditions, financial debt, exposure to crimes, fear of deportation, high rates of binge drinking, alcohol impaired driving, and traumatic experiences associated with crimes that occurred in their native country or negative events linked to migration to other countries illegally. To support effective interventions against these concerning trends, the use of the Mapping Protocol® interfaced with the EMDR Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) Model can address negative events associated with trauma.

Learning Objectives:

• • Understand the struggles leading to complex trauma among undocumented immigrants.
• Explain strategies to strengthen client communication in a multicultural setting and how the Mapping Protocol® is driven by the EMDR therapy AIP Model.
• Identify methods of using the Mapping Protocol® to reprocess trauma with populations who have a history of relocation.
• Explain each step of the Mapping Protocol® within the 8 phases of EMDR therapy as well as cognitive interweaves.

NYSED Approved for 1.5 CE contact hours for LMSW and LCSW


New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (NYS OASAS) Approved for 1.50 Clock Hours for CASAC, CPP, CPS

LOCATION: Counseling Consultation Service, Inc.
105-01 34th Avenue
Corona (Queens), NY 11368
ATTENDANCE FEE: General Admission: $45.00

Counseling Consultation Service, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers (#SW-0539).


According to New York State Continuing Education standards, participants must stay for the ENTIRE workshop to receive their Continuing Education Contact Hours. Any participant who arrives 15 minutes late or leaves 15 minutes early to a training event will not receive their certificate and or a refund. 


This training is provided under New York State OASAS Provider No. 1350


Cancellation & Refunds: Refunds, credits, or transfers to future workshops will not be issued for cancellations or no-shows.